
A Small Update

It’s been way longer than I ever anticipated but I’ve finally made an update, albeit, a fairly small one.

The CrossMe Nanograms app updated sometime in the last week or so and 8 new puzzles were added to each level. I’ve gone ahead and completed and added ASHIGARU #2.377 – #2.384.  For the ASHIGARU level, these were a little tricky! Took me maybe 30-45 minutes to finish the 8 new puzzles.

I’ve updated everything on the ANSWERS page to reflect the new updates (meaning the numbers are fixed.)

I do really need to get back to uploading but the work days have been very long (12 hours a day, 7 days a week) and doing low-level data entry work ‘just for fun’ doesn’t feel so great at 2AM. But I can promise you, I have not forgotten about CrossMe Answers! Nor have I given up on it… it’s just going to take a little more time than I ever imagined.

The time between updates was so long that I forgot I started to upload answers from SHINOBI. Oops! Hopefully soon I’ll find another time to sit down and get the next batch of 48 answers up.

Until next time!