Happy New Year!
So my plan today was to upload the rest of the ASHIGARU puzzles. Obviously that didn’t happen, because when I started taking the screenshots on my tablet, I noticed that the numbers looked a bit off.
Well, that’s because they were! The newest CrossMe update included a big re-structuring of the puzzle pages. Now, instead of 44 puzzles per section, it is 60 puzzles per section.
While that doesn’t make such a HUGE difference in the grand scheme of things, it definitely makes a HUGE difference for how I have things set up here. I figured that in order to stay as up-to-date as possible, I should definitely reflect as much of the app as possible. That means I spent the last hour completely revamping the galleries, pages, directories, and everything else in the ASHIGARU page.
I’m undecided at this moment but I think my course of action will be uploading the rest of the puzzles in ASHIGARU #2.421 – #2.444 (which are all completed – I just need to transfer the images from my tablet to my laptop and then do what I’ve been doing in that process.) After that, I’ll completely revamp the BUSHI setup and, get those new puzzles finished, and then upload them as well.
Unfortunately, this means that there may be dead links. If you come across anything that’s outdated or broken, please let me know! Leave a comment, send me an email, do whatever you feel like doing to help keep this going.
Hello 2022!