
Added ASHIGARU #2.417 – #2.428

Finally! It’s been a while since my last batch of solution uploads, but here we are! ASHIGARU #2.417 – #2.428 are part of the most recent batch, so they can be found on the ASHIGARU #2.385 – #2.428 page.

I still have some BUSHI puzzles to finish before I can complete the most recent batch; 9 to be exact. I’m hoping to have them completed and up soon, before things get way too busy again.

Going to keep this one nice and short. Happy Thanksgiving!



New Nonogram Solutions Coming Soon!

Hi everyone,

First of all, thank you to the very nice visitors who sent me some emails the last few weeks checking in.

I’m fine; life has just been incredibly busy. I was doing some international travel and I honestly have not had time to sit down and get the new sets of puzzles up. The ARE done, though! I’m hoping in the next few days I can update and add the newest ASHIGARU solutions. After that, I’ll be sure to get the new BUSHI puzzles solved and added here as well.

I just really wanted to pop in here and let y’all know that the site is not dead. Not by a long shot 🙂
