
Added BUSHI #3.397 – #3.408

Hi everyone!

I’m happy to announce that the BUSHI puzzle set has been completed and I’ve added BUSHI #3.397 – #3.408 to the BUSHI #3.385 – #3.408 page. There are the 12 most recent solutions to the puzzles that were added version 2.6.80(P).

I also completed a few more puzzles in the third SHINOBI set. There’s still plenty of puzzles to do and even still upload! Hopefully I’ll have another update in due time.



Added ASHIGARU #2.397 – #2.408

More ASHIGARU puzzles? You know what that means: CrossMe was updated! 12 new puzzles have been added to each section. I believe the update came yesterday or the day before, but I did managed to finish the 12 new ASHIGARU puzzles. They have been added to the newly expanded ASHIGARU #2.385 – #2.408 page. As of this post, I am running version 2.6.80P.

In order to stay current, I will be working on the next set of BUSHI puzzles. Hopefully I can get #3.397 – #3.408 done in the next few days.




A very special update today! I got an email from an actual person who saw this site and emailed me using the CONTACT form asking for help with RONIN #5.392. Of course I had to help out! (I’m amazed people even see this site – I’m not lying when I say that getting an actual email from this had me grinning for a solid 5 minutes.)

Anyway, once I was done with some TV software testing and data reports, I went right to work on the puzzle. It was a tricky one; the later / newer puzzles tend to be. I even had to take a few tries on some of the later ASHIGARU puzzles. I did get it done, though, and it’s a good one; what a challenge!

To the person who wrote to me, thanks for putting a bright spot on my otherwise drab and tiring day. To everyone else, please don’t hesitate to send requests for specific solutions.

Also, I’m open to trying to figure out a way to give hints, but I think that’s a whole other project in itself.

As for what’s coming next, I’m not sure. Now that I’ve gone ahead and created the RONIN and RONIN #5.385 – #5.408 pages, perhaps I should fill those out? I also have the first set of RONIN complete so maybe I should get that up as well.

So much to do and such little time!



BUSHI Completed!

Wow it’s been a long time! I always make promises to be productive and then life gets in the way.

In the last month my laptop has died and I was working a huge pilot project for a few weeks that took up all of my time on top of the usual chaos that Independent Contractor life entails.

Having said that, I’m VERY excited to announce that I’ve finally uploaded the solutions to BUSHI #3.337 – #3.384 as well as BUSHI #3.385 – #3.408. This means that BUSHI is, as of today, 100% COMPLETE!

So the question now is, what’s next? I have a full set of RONIN puzzles to upload. After that, there’s not much. I have most of the first set of SAMURAI complete and more than half of the first SENSI set. Let’s not talk about SHOGUN…

Anyway, there’s more than JUST those sets; I’m just listing what might work as a complete upload. I’m undecided if I will upload partial sets or not; it’s a difficult decision.

Anyway, it feels good to have sat down for the last hour and a half to get these things going. I know there’s a select few in terms of audience for this site but I’m also well-aware that I’m currently (at least in the English operating region) the only site pursuing something like this, so that’s nice and motivating.

Until next time!
