

A very special update today! I got an email from an actual person who saw this site and emailed me using the CONTACT form asking for help with RONIN #5.392. Of course I had to help out! (I’m amazed people even see this site – I’m not lying when I say that getting an actual email from this had me grinning for a solid 5 minutes.)

Anyway, once I was done with some TV software testing and data reports, I went right to work on the puzzle. It was a tricky one; the later / newer puzzles tend to be. I even had to take a few tries on some of the later ASHIGARU puzzles. I did get it done, though, and it’s a good one; what a challenge!

To the person who wrote to me, thanks for putting a bright spot on my otherwise drab and tiring day. To everyone else, please don’t hesitate to send requests for specific solutions.

Also, I’m open to trying to figure out a way to give hints, but I think that’s a whole other project in itself.

As for what’s coming next, I’m not sure. Now that I’ve gone ahead and created the RONIN and RONIN #5.385 – #5.408 pages, perhaps I should fill those out? I also have the first set of RONIN complete so maybe I should get that up as well.

So much to do and such little time!


2 replies on “SPECIAL REQUEST! RONIN #5.392”

Awww, that’s so nice to hear! It’s really motivating to know that this is actually helping a little bit.

I have a new update coming soon; I’ve been traveling this month and it’s been crazy.

If you have any other requests / suggestions, I’m all ears! I know there’s still a lot of work to do but I really am happy it’s helping 🙂

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