It’s finished! I’ve finally uploaded the last batch of ASHIGARU solutions and that’s ASHIGARU #2.337 – #2.368.
It sure took quite a bit of time, but I’m proud to say that as of right now, I think is the only place on the internet that has the full set of solutions – at least according to the results of my own Google searching.
But the work has just begun. Next is #3 – BUSHI, which has another grand total of 368 puzzles (of which I’ve completed 269). There have been quite a number of updates since I last had the section completed to to finish all of those nonograms as well as upload them and all the other web stuff involved will be quite the undertaking.
If the uploading seems to outpace my ability to solve these puzzles in a timely manner, I’ll simply move ahead to uploading the next section after that. I’ve got some back-end things to organize and set up for the next section. I really need to get a Media Library organizer for WordPress, things are getting a little out of control right now.
Until next time!