
NI Puzzles Complete

After a much needed break from CrossMe, I’m back! I have to admit, it was a real punch to the gut seeing everything redone as it was; so many hours of work put into this site were rendered useless, and the task of starting over just filled me with an absolute sense of a “screw it” mentality.

However! I do have the first full set complete; all 592 puzzles of NI. Of course, there is much to do in terms of completely revamping the site, but I will figure that out in due time. I’ll probably create a backup of this current one, delete everything, and start fresh. Let’s see!

Until then.


Unfortunate Hiatus

Welp, the developers have completely overhauled the game. This means I’ll have to completely overhaul the website.

Stay tuned.



Added ASHIGARU #2.504 – #2.552

Hi all,

Sorry for the delay! Once again, thank you everyone for your emails; it really keeps me motivated. I hope those of you who reached out did get my responses (and the one-off solutions). I did have one email that I can’t seem to find now that had a pretty lengthy list, so, if that’s you, feel free to reach out again!

I’ve gotten ASHIGARU #2.504 – #2.552 up and ready for your perusal. Truth be told, I actually had them completed several weeks ago, but the gallery plugin that I’m using decided to ahem “incentivize” purchasing a license by completely taking away automatic sorting, which I was relying heavily on. For the time being, I have to arrange every single image manually, which requires quite a bit of mouse work and scrolling within the WordPress admin side. I’ll make the purchase eventually.

Up next is restructuring BUSHI. We’ll see when I get around to that; the ad revenue is quite low and that work takes a solid 2-3 hours with how the site is set up (as well as all the local files I keep). I’m considering setting up a donation thing for those of you who really want to keep this going at a consistent rate. I’ve gotten a few offers, but I need to do some research. Maybe I’ll set up a very very cheap Patreon.

Anyway, happy solving!



Added ASHIGARU #2.433 – #2.504

By popular demand!!! I’ve gotten so many emails over the last few weeks since my last update, and boy is sure is motivating to come back and work on this. Thank you to everyone who reached out; it’s super heartwarming to know how many people actually use this site to help themselves or use as a reference.

With that being said, I’m happy to announce that the solutions for ASHIGARU #2.433 – #2.504 have been updated. Please do not hesitate to let me know if anything with the site is not working or wonky. The Contact Form is still live, so use it if you’d like. I still have 42 of the remaining ASHIGARU puzzles to solve, so it may be a little bit before I get the next update up.

Until then!



Completely Restructured ASHIGARU

Hi all,

Sorry for the long delay; I’ve been procrastinating all while life has gotten insanely busy. The good news is I did a lot of much-needed work on the ASHIGARU sections of the site to reflect the newest updates of the app! It’s a lot of work to do this, but I really do try to keep things as close to the app layout as possible; I think it helps everyone (including myself) navigate the answers in the same way that we navigate the app. If you notice anything a little wonky, please definitely let me know via the Contact Form.

BUSHI will be next! In the meantime, happy holidays, and happy new year!!!



Checking In

I’m still here! I’m very (very) behind! Bigger update coming soon, I promise.



Summer RONIN Requests Filled!

Hi everyone,

I hope everyone is having a nice summer, at least in my hemisphere.

Today I got an email from Mysia asking for the solutions to the following puzzles.


I had the first three and took some time to complete the last three. #5.419 was a tricky one!

All of these can be found in their respective groups on the RONIN page.

I’m steadily working through the third-to-last SHINOBI group. The summer has been busy, and I’ve been putting far more time into Tetris99 and Tetris Effects: Connected to scratch my puzzle itch, but I’m still going!

I don’t mind filling requests. Actually, I enjoy them quite a bit, and they do keep me motivated to keep working on the site. It’s really nice knowing that I do have a nice little audience out there. So please do feel free to use the Contact Form to send me a message.

That’s all for now.



Another special request!

Hi all,

Apologies for the absence. As usual, life gets busy and time becomes hard to come by. But don’t worry, I’m still working on the next set of SHINOBI (#4.301 – #4.360) and I have about 21 left before that’s completed.

In the meantime, I had a very nice email exchange with a lovely person named Monica who was having some trouble with SHINOBI #4.396, #4.400, #4.401, and #4.404. So those are now available for viewing on the new SHINOBI #4.360 – #4.420 page.

I took the time to perform some other site maintenance as well, so hopefully performance is a little bit increased.

Until next time!


Added RONIN #5.253

Hi folks,

I got a special request today from Stacye asking about #5.253. This one was a difficult solution to find and took a little bit of trial and error! The full solution can be found on the new RONIN #5.24-#5.300 page.

A great hint to start this one is that the bottom row of 6 starts from the bottom-left corner.

It’s been a busy time, but I love fulfilling requests, so I was sure to get this one up in a timely manner! Aside from that, I just performed some simple maintenance and updates on the site to make sure things stay running smoothly.

Until next time!


Toned Down the Ads

Hi all,

It has been a while since I’ve looked at the site in Incognito mode. I don’t know when it happened, but at some point Google AdSense decided to amp up the frequency and pervasiveness of the ads that I allow on the site.

Truth be told, I’m lucky to make $100/year on this site, which is fine; that covers all of the costs associated with hosting, SSL, and premium WordPress plugins. The last thing I want is to come off as a 2000’s era affiliate linking site trying to generate get rich quick money.

I’ve turn down the ad frequency by a lot, and I’ve also modified some of the settings associated with all of that as well. I still need to get started with the new version of the Google Analytics backend, but as with most of things on this site, in due time.
