To start things off, ASHIGARU #2.369 – #2.376 have been added to the newly updated ASHIGARU #2.337 – #2.376 page. At some point in the last week or so, there was an update to Version 2.6.64P. I hadn’t seen it until I decided to do a bit of back-end work on the site today. The update added 8 new puzzles to each section except for SOHEI so I guess that’s about 56 new puzzles!
As for the back-end, I finally found a decent (and affordable!) solution to my WordPress Media Library woes: FileBird by Ninja Team. It definitely made organizing the media library nice and simple, which is important now that I’m heading into different levels, not just ASHIGARU. I’m also sure that there will be future updates to the CrossMe app so being able to keep everything organized while uploading all over the place is extremely important. Here’s a nice screenshot that pretty much says it all:

I’m still struggling to get approved for Google AdSense to get a little bit of funding for this project. If any of you 9 readers out there have any suggestions for monetization, I’m all ears. While I’m not looking to really make a profit on this, upkeep does cost more in 2020 than it used to. (FileBird alone ran me $27).
Anyway! Hoping that I’ll have time soon to start getting BUSHI answers up here!