
BIG Update!

It may have been a week but what a busy week it’s been!

I’ve added not one, not two, but THREE solution sets for BUSHI:

It may seem like a lot but looking through the app, it’s just another drop in the ocean; I still have quite a bit left to upload (and solve!)

I know I always say this but I’m hoping to get more and more of what I have up here and then I can start slowly working on the puzzles. I have a HUGE personal work task coming up and that’s going to be quite the undertaking, so I want to get as much foundation to this little project as I can. If I can get up all of my solved puzzles which is about another 600 or so, within the next month-ish, I think I’ll be satisfied.

As far as solving puzzles go, that will have to be in a very relaxed pace. I’m having trouble finding some sort of income generation for this and I’ve already put in close to $100. While it’s nice to do this, I really don’t want to LOSE money on it per se. Google keeps rejecting me so maybe I’ll start looking into other alternatives. I just want to find something that will ‘keep the lights on’ here; I’m not looking to really profit. If anybody reading this has any suggestions, please send me a message using the Contact form.


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