
Added ASHIGARU #2.145 – #2.192

After some delay I’ve finally gotten around to uploading ASHIGARU #2.145 – #2.192. It was quite the busy week but I also did manage to complete all of the new ASHIGARU puzzles that were in the update the other day.

I also took the time to do the very last puzzle in the CrossMe app, which is #8.368 in SHOGUN. I wanted to challenge myself and make sure that I’ve “still got it” so to speak. I don’t do these puzzles nearly as frequently as I used to and since my long-term goal is to eventually get everything up here I thought it would be wise to check in on my puzzle-solving skills.

The ANSWERS page has also been given some minor updates to the numbers. I think I was missing a few here and there but as of this post, everything is accurate as far as my completion is concerned.

I suppose this marks the halfway point of having ASHIGARU uploaded. If I’m able to find more time, maybe I’ll get another update done within the next few days. It really is a lot of work to get them up and labeled properly but I’m excited to be more than halfway to a full section, which I think does not exist elsewhere on the web.

That’s all for now!

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